There are now two versions of our Edge Computer, the GUSTAVi. One version is one with 3 USB ports and supports NVIDIA JETSON XAVIER NX and Orin NX.
The new version now offers even more ports and options.
You now have the option to choose more options modularly. These include 5G, LTE, LORAWAN, WIFI, GPS, 7 programmable USB ports, an integrated 256-bit strong hardware encryption chip, Gigabit RJ45, RTK GPS, Can-Bus, GPIO, internal SSD M2 with up to 4 terabytes and RS485.
The product is aimed for the business fields of robotics, smart city and all industrial automations. The delivery and order will take place from 01.07.2023. If you would like to be notified when the order begins, you can fill out the contact form below.