Recycling first
Since 2014 we at REBOTNIX have been working intensively on low energy software and hardware solutions and 8 months ago we therefore introduced the Green AI Association, a group of software and hardware developers developing completely new technologies in this segment. Today we show the first product of this value chain.
Not all components are always needed on one board. Building separate hardware for each version is expensive and leads to high costs in procurement and production. Up to 95% of the components on the new REBOTNIX GUSTAVi board are recyclable and replaceable. If a connection or connector breaks, we replace it. If the customer only needs 1 connector, he assembles it in our store. This all happens automated in our new production line from store to factory.
REBOTNIX GUSTAVi was developed for the NVIDIA®Jetson Xavier NX™. GUSTAVi allows modular ordering of USB 3, HDMI, Power, Gigabit Ethernet, FDP-Link III and much more directly from the store. We support various IP protection classes from IP54 – IP68.
GUSTAVi will be released in Q4 – 2022. If you want to learn more, contact us.