
Information according to § 5 DDG:

Am Brambusch 22
44536 Lünen

HRB: 21976
VAT: DE264880804
WEEE: 61310770

Phone: +49 231 98222560

Represented by
Mr. Hilgemann


The contents of the internet appearance of REBOTNIX are copyright protected. All rights are reserved. The use or duplication of texts or illustrations is only permitted with written permission by REBOTNIX. Registered trademarks, trade names and logos are copyrighted by the respective registered owners – legal regulations apply.


Your privacy and personal data is protected. In order to fullfil different services, we depend on certain data provided by you. Additional data is used for statistical evaluation only to improve our services. We insure that your personal data will be made available only to third parties, when and if it’s necessary to execute a certain job. This does not include if we are obligated by law to disclosure and transmit this data.

Website content

The contents of this site were carefully examined and elaborated. However REBOTNIX gives no guarantee for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information made available. All offers are not-binding and noncommittal. REBOTNIX expressly reserves to change parts of the site or the entire content without separate announcement.

Copyright and Trademarks

REBOTNIX is always anxious to consider all copyrights in publications of used graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts. REBOTNIX provided graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts are either license-free or self-created. All within the internet site of REBOTNIX specified trademarks and copyrights are protected without reservation by their respective registered owners. However due to the bare denomination, the conclusion is not to be drawn that brand names are not protected by third parties. The copyright for published and provided content by REBOTNIX remains to the original authors. A duplication or use of such graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without written permission by REBOTNIX.

References and liability for links

REBOTNIX expressly explains that at the time a link to other internet content was created the appropriate linked sites were not containing illegal contents. REBOTNIX has no influence on the current and future contents of the linked sites. Therefore REBOTNIX dissociates itself hereby from all contents of all linked sites, which were changed after the link was reported.

Legal effect of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is part of the internet site, from which this disclaimer was linked. If parts or single formulations of this text are incomplete or entirly not valid to the corresponding legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their contents and their validity.

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Am Brambusch 22
44536 Lünen
