Green AI Assocication

REBOTNIX launches the Green AI association. 

Until now, operators of AI business applications have not had to worry about their energy and CO2 consumption. However, from 2022 onwards, the power demand for AI-driven business models will steadily increase. The Green AI Association focuses with the technological and economic aspects of how AI models can be operated in a CO2-reduced and more efficiency manner.

The following screenshot shows the REBOTNIX HPC Visiontools which can record the CO2 exchange as well as the costs in comparison for each training of datasets. The data is summed for all models as well as for each individual model and training time.

The association provides studies, training, certificates and hardware and software solutions from all members in the field of low energy research and AI applications. Every company has to think about how much CO2 and energy as well with what kind of electricity they want to run their digital business processes.

A nice example comparing Red AI vs. Green AI is the 2019 paper from the Allen Institue for AI.

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